July 2021

Here I am writing the July Newsletter over two weeks into August! Trying to pretend that the two months haven’t merely blended into one! I sometimes think this task like this would be easier if I kept a journal, but all I have is a data diary with shifts and cinema times scribbled on.

What news is there really? I helped some friends move house and I watched a lot of films while ignoring other responsibilities.

Watched Fast and Furious 9: 10/10! Not a good film but wins points for being exactly as advertised!

I caught what was probably a mild cold but am convinced it was a new variant of the flu that was about to kill me and spent 48 hours in bed eating fast food and watching British films that I watched in my childhood but don’t remember 95% off.  Most notable was what I now believe to be the greatest Welsh film ever made!

The Englishman who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain. It could be argued that it isn’t the greatest example of Welsh Cinema, with a heavily English cast and having been produced by an American Production company. But the Welsh Writer & Director Christopher Monger tells a deeply personal Welsh story and brings to screen the very best our country has to offer! The passion, the camaraderie and the pride!

I also watched Off The Rails, but the less said about that the better!

I got car sick while go karting, that was an issue I didn’t foresee ever coming up in life. The trouble with getting car sick on a race track is that there isn’t anywhere to pull up and have a walk around. Ultimately I just had to drive very slowly around the track for 17 more laps. I was already last, but at least now I have something to blame.

Goodness, nothing says “My life is empty” quite like struggling to think of 300 words of worthwhile material to sum up a month of your life.

Oh I forgot to talk about the film we’re making!

Pursuit is the love child of my flatmate Owen Davies. He’s a talented cinematographer and wanted to design a film around cool action shots. He hired our good friend Harri Dobbs to write and direct and myself to produce. We’ve since enlisted the help of our good friends Cerig Davies, Osian Harvey and Arwen Harrison to help out in varying capacities.

We also figured out our cast, the starring role going to Sian Howells a talented student actress at our university…or a slightly better university, I can’t remember now.

The filming takes place in a week now, so much excitement is necessary; although not as necessary as the last minute work from my end. One day I’ll get the hang of balancing such matters.

But in the meantime watch this space!


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