September 2021

What did I do in September?

It’s been an interesting month! Lots going on not least of which was a couple of weeks of work, spent visiting my family and starting a new year at film school!

I started the term of with a fancy dress party, I didn’t host of course but I was invited, I had planned to utilize my out of control hair to be Napoleon Dynamite, but never got around to getting a “Vote for Pedro” T-shirt. So ended up deciding on my costume on the basis of what was the lowest maintenance outfit I could throw together. Eventually deciding on Arthur Dent and going to the party in my pyjamas. Other costumes included Morticia Adams, Cher Horowitz and Daryl one of the USW film lecturers. Overall it was a good night and I thought my costume was very clever until the party ended and I had to walk home (while stopping at a kebab shop) in a dressing gown.

September saw the production start for my next film as well, the experimental project Vue D’en-Haut. (See portfolio for details). Written by my friend Harri Dobbs and directed by my other friend Arwen Harrison, it should be ready for January and no doubt only we will enjoy it!

My studies have kept me busy too! As well as several practical modules, I’m studying two academic modules, one on New Hollywood and one on Global Cinema. They’re always the highlights of my week and you can expect many more articles on those subjects in the coming weeks!

Otherwise it has been a busy albeit very pleasant month!

Now please enjoy my social terrible social error…

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