Matthew Tricker, Pastor. (AKA: Minister) – Press Kit

Poster by farooqkhawaja

“Finding Faith in Faithless Times”

A short documentary about the life and ministry of South Wales Minister, Matthew Tricker.

An inspirational documentary about the Baptist Minister Matthew Tricker, who discusses his spiritual journey and the places it’s taken him, from living with the Amish to doing missionary work in Africa, Matthew’s life is endlessly fascinating and his view of the world it unique and inspiring. A feel good watch regardless of religion.

Matthew Tricker, Pastor was shot on location in Pentrebach, at the Jerusalem Baptist Church where Matthew Tricker is the pastor.

Meet the Team

Director Ellis Beynon
Ellis Beynon is a writer & director from Merthyr Tydfil. A fan of movies and video game, they have directed the well loved cult hit short films Exposure & Anamnesis.

Producer – Alexander Griffiths
Alexander Griffiths is a writer, producer & founder of The Naive Filmmaker. A life long lover of the movies, he found his way into the industry after being made redundant from his job as a restaurant manager. He has produced several short films including After the Wake, Pursuit & Lola.

Director of Photography – Finley Mundy
Finley Mundy is a talented camera man who found his way into writing and directing, having directed the widely loved comedy film Hole in my life followed by the crime comedy Blue Monday. In his free time he can be found cracking jokes in Porters.

Sound Recordist – Jorge Marques
Jorge Marques is the Portugese born sound man, who was able to heroically carry himself up mountains while keeping his boom pole clean! He went on to do the sound for After the Wake. Outside of work he loves a Neil Breen movie!

Why this Project by Ellis Beynon

“Matthew Tricker is an incredibly interesting individual,
and what drew me to him is his complete dedication to his
faith, his story is so engaging; from leaving home at 16 to
live with a discipleship and then at 19 moving to the USA
to live with the Amish, to now being a full-time pastor
with trips to Africa and of course being a loving father. I
didn’t freshly discover him as I have known him since I was
a child as he is one of my friend’s fathers, but I do
believe I can offer a fresh perspective on the life of a
small-town pastor with such an incredibly unique backstory,
and what has led him to a humbler pasture, especially in
one of the most irreligious countries in the world. As
someone who is not religious whatsoever, I believe I could
present a unique take on what it means to be religious and
to be in engaged in spirituality”.


Voice of Prayer – Written Noel Malekar, Performed by Noel Malekar.

Passing Through Again – Written by Gerard Franklin, Performed by Gerard Franklin.

Where to Watch?

The film is currently not on the festival circuit and is freely available to watch.

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