The Tower

A Naive Filmmaker Production “A Tarot Reading Takes a Sinister Turn” A young woman named Ellie goes to a Tarot Reading, Madelyn the tarot reader is unsure of her intentions but they proceed with the reading…regardless of the cost! Statement of Intent “This project was an awful lot of fun, working with an awesome team … More The Tower


A Naive Filmmaker/Art Faction Production “A Community Film” A documentary about the work of South Riverside Community Development Centre. It discusses the history of the organisation and the essential work it is involved in and the beautiful community that it has built. Statement of Intent “I’m incredibly proud to have had the chance to work … More Riverside

Matthew Tricker, Pastor. (AKA: Minister) – Press Kit

“Finding Faith in Faithless Times” A short documentary about the life and ministry of South Wales Minister, Matthew Tricker. An inspirational documentary about the Baptist Minister Matthew Tricker, who discusses his spiritual journey and the places it’s taken him, from living with the Amish to doing missionary work in Africa, Matthew’s life is endlessly fascinating … More Matthew Tricker, Pastor. (AKA: Minister) – Press Kit

September 2021

What did I do in September? It’s been an interesting month! Lots going on not least of which was a couple of weeks of work, spent visiting my family and starting a new year at film school! I started the term of with a fancy dress party, I didn’t host of course but I was … More September 2021