George Harrison is the Best Beatle: Here’s Why!

A conversation that I’ve frequently had in The Nag’s Head is the ever contentious subject of The Rolling Stones or The Beatles? What follows can range from a pleasant discussion about music to an argument as heated as Question Time and a family dinner combined. However when people have ultimately accepted that The Beatles are … More George Harrison is the Best Beatle: Here’s Why!

Boys From County Hell: Realistic Comedy in Surreal Horror

One horror film that may well bypass most audiences this year is Chris Baugh’s Horror Comedy “Boys From County Hell”. A very good film that appears to only have a very limited release, only being shown for a few days in most cinema and only for one or two showings a day, usually very late … More Boys From County Hell: Realistic Comedy in Surreal Horror

A Taste of Honey: Repeating the Sins of Our Parents

This week a visit home has seen me watching a lot of Kitchen Sink Dramas. Films studied very briefly over this last year for their approach to social realism. They in many ways appear to be Britain’s very own sixties answer to Parasite. Addressing the class struggles and other difficulties faced by angry young men, … More A Taste of Honey: Repeating the Sins of Our Parents